Since the 1992 Earth Summit, the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency has been the voice for networks of local and regional governments under the UNFCCC, representing them since the first Conference of Parties (COP) in 1995. The LGMA serves as the primary channel for these groups, coordinating their inputs and influencing global climate negotiations, and ICLEI has been serving as the LGMA’s focal point. Each year, LGMA supports the COP Presidencies and advance initiatives such as the transition from “Friends of Cities” to the broader “UNFCCC Friends of Multilevel Action” to ensure that local perspectives shape the decisions in UNFCCC processes. Also, ICLEI leads the organization of LGMA pavilion under each COP, serving as a global stage to highlight the challenges, achievements, and commitments of local and subnational actors in climate action. This inclusive platform united cities, towns, regions, and various stakeholders within the LGMA Constituency, fostering collaboration to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.