Nagano Declaration calls for cities’ action on shifting towards circular future

Climate change, biodiversity collapse, and marine plastic debris. Evidence shows that the planetary boundaries are either in danger of being crossed or have been crossed. The current linear production and consumption development pattern and its dependence on raw materials will lead to irreversible consequences.
Nagano, the host city of the “G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth”, announced the Nagano Declaration on Partnership for Collaborative Action for Sustainable Development as a call for local and regional governments in Japan to join hands for actions in realizing an integrated low-carbon, circular and resilient society with harmonious nature — Circulating and Ecological Economy.
Nagano, together with the local and regional governments joining the Declaration, also called for the G20 Governments to pursue the Circulating and Ecological Economy by supporting non-state governments through, including but not limited to, encouraging local governments’ engagement in networks such as the Green Circular Cities Coalition, and providing incentives to build local Circulating and Ecological Economy models.
Download the Nagano Declaration: EN | 日
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