Procura+ Network Hosted China National GPP Study Visit to Nordic Cities

In October 2018, China National Green Public Procurement (GPP) delegation comprising six high-level officials from the Ministry of Finance, the China Quality Certification Center (CQC, a Procura+ strategic partner), Jilin Provincial Government, and China Finance and Economics Newspaper conducted a 10-day learning visit to 6 Nordic cities of Copenhagen Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Oslo, and Bergen to investigate forefront green procurement policies and practices, contributing to the current research of establishing a national GPP scheme in China. This visit was hosted by the Procura+ Network as the first international exchange event between the East Asian and European counterparts since the launch of Procura+ East Asia in May 2018.
Fangming Guo, Deputy Director General of the Treasury Department of China’s Ministry of Finance shared an overview of the current GPP policy landscape, on-ground implementation, and the Government Procurement System Reform in China, and further elaborated his insights toward the latest development and achievements in crafting an integrated government procurement legal system and advancing information release. The Nordic audiences appreciated and congratulated the rapid development and expansion in scope of GPP in China.
China National GPP Delegation Visit Stockholm City Hall.
Nordic countries developed their GPP practices based on EU policy scheme, but have further embraced higher standards in terms of sustainability. The well-established and sophisticated GPP mechanisms at respective Nordic cities are invaluable for China GPP policy makers to refer to.
Established in 2003 by ICLEI, Procura+ is a specialized network of public authorities around the globe to connect, exchange, act on sustainable, green and innovation procurement through regular meetings, seminars, and dedicated discussion forums. It is comprised of regional and country entities such as European and East Asian networks. Managed by the ICLEI East Asia Secretariat with support from the ICLEI Global Sustainable Procurement Center, Procura+ East Asia supports local governments from China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia in achieving sustainable and low-carbon development goals through sustainable, green and innovation procurement. Currently, 5 Chinese and 1 Korean local governments have joined the Network.
China National GPP Delegation Visit Oslo City Hall.