Report on Beijing’s Air Pollution control launched at UNEA-4

The Beijing Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, supervising body of the ICLEI Beijing Office, together with the UN Environment launched the joint report, A Review of 20 Years’ Air Pollution Control in Beijing, ahead of the 4th Session of United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA-4), covering Beijing’s progress and experience in air quality improvement from 1998 to 2017.
The report was compiled by a UN Environment-led team of international and Chinese experts over two years. It outlines how Beijing’s air quality management program has evolved and makes recommendations for near, medium, and long-term steps the city can take to maintain its momentum toward clean air. The Report has received international media coverage and is suggested to have provided a model for other cities to follow.
This event was part of ICLEI’s involvement in the UNEA-4, during which we collaborated with UN Environment, UN-Habitat, Global Task Force, UCLG, and Cities Alliance to convene the first UNEA Cities Summit, and supported our Members and project cities’ engagement in the Assembly.
For more information on the launch and the report, please access via the following links: