2024 SHRDC International Training Programs

Since 2008, the Seoul Human Resource Development Center (SHRDC) has been at the forefront of providing training for foreign city officials, to share Seoul’s best practices and urban policies on sustainable development. ICLEI East Asia has formalized the partnership with SHRDC in 2015 through a Memorandum of Understanding, and annually co-organized capacity training programs focusing on urban sustainability since 2016. In 2024, ICLEI East Asia, will continue this legacy, in collaboration with SHRDC, by being a “knowledge partner”, which is a new scheme to enhance participant engagement effectively.
Group Photo (©SHRDC)
In 2024, the training program will be renewed and will include a series of self-paced online learning and in-person training sessions throughout the year to target public officials interested in inclusive urban development. SHRDC also plans to extend invitations to a select group of high-performing online training participants for offline (in-person) training programs in Seoul, which are scheduled to take place in the latter half of the year, coinciding with an annual forum.
Hybrid Online Training with Cross-Sectoral Approach
The 2024 training program consists of online e-learning with mandatory pre-recorded lectures and an in-person component for participants in Seoul in late 2024, synchronizing with the Seoul Global Policy Sharing Forum.
Emphasizing a cross-sectoral approach, the curriculum focuses on addressing global urban issues of polarization and inequality, rather than providing fragmented training in specific thematic areas such as transportation, climate and environment, reflecting Seoul Metropolitan Government’s “Going Together with the Socially Neglected” policy.
Self-paced learning and deep-dive learning plan
What is Self-Paced Learning?
Self-paced learning allows participants to manage their study schedule, by accessing 3 or 4 pre-recorded lectures through the online platform. The participants should finish the mandatory pre-recorded online lectures and a quiz by the deadline.
What is a Deep-Dive Learning Plan?
Upon completion of Self-Paced Learning, participants submit a “Deep-Dive Learning Plan” functioning as a training result report.
The “Deep-Dive Learning plan” encourages participants to outline ideas and policy tools enhancing their online training. This plan is crucial for selecting high-performing participants for the in-person training programs in Seoul in the latter half of 2024. SHRDC collaborates with the knowledge partners to select participants for in-person training based on the quality of these submissions.
How to apply?
Access to the Application Form
The application form link can be accessed at https://padlet.com/shrdcinfo/apply2024
Application Submission
Deadline is two weeks before each online program starts.
Results Announcement
One week before each online program starts.
Open to foreign city officials who have good command in English
(All lectures, sessions and evaluations will be in English.)
Free – The SHRDC online training program will be free for accepted public officials of foreign cities and local governments.