ICLEI East Asia and China FECO strengthens Cooperation

To further support cities in China in tackling environmental issues, the Beijing Representation Office of ICLEI East Asia signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Protection Technology and Industry Cooperation with the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office.
The Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO) is an institution affiliated with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) of China. Founded in 1989, FECO is mandated to coordinate and manage project funds in cooperation with international financial organizations and implement multilateral agreements, provide bilateral assistance, and support foreign cooperation activities in the field of environmental protection. FECO is now dedicated to establishing the Integrated, Intelligent, and International Platform for Environmental Technology, known as 3iPET, in which ICLEI offices would be core hub partners.
The two organizations will make a joint effort to promote bilateral cooperation in the field of environmental protection, facilitating knowledge and experience exchange between China and ICLEI’s global network. The cooperation areas include but are not limited to the following:
- Develop projects to apply government assistance funds or international project funds related to environmental protection cooperation.
- Facilitate ICLEI regional offices over the world to join and support 3iPET as hub partner(s) on a need basis.
- Strengthen cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and ICLEI’s Member cities on environmental protection topics.
- Conduct market analysis on environmental technologies in China and targeted countries.
- Match and disseminate environmental technologies.
- Organize mutual visits and training between Chinese and target countries’ governments and enterprises.
- Establish green investment and financing services.
With this partnership with FECO, ICLEI East Asia is expecting to scale up its offerings to Chinese cities in the environmental discipline.