Launch of China Resilient Cities Report – Starting from Building Climate-resilient Cities

China Resilient Cities Report integrates the introduction to the global framework and ICLEI experience in Making Cities Resilient 2030 to build resilient cities, an analysis of practices conducted in Chinese cities, and an exploration of how to build resilient cities in China, focusing on climate resilience.
This report started with an ambition of bridging the gaps, beyond knowledge and action. During our close work with diverse partners from multiple levels, effective and innovative resilient solutions delivered by local governments in China never fail to amaze the working team. We realised it’s urgently needed to channel international agendas and methods to China for building a systematic understanding of how to build resilient cities and better vertical integration, and showcase these impactful achievements done in China, to the rest of the world.
In partnership with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and other distinguished actors, during the year 2019 to 2023, ICLEI East Asia Secretariat closely worked with eight cities in China, to implement a series of training workshops under the initiative of Making Cities Resilient 2030. This practice is rooted in the practical work in China around urban disaster risk reduction and emergency management, covering topics like climate change, climate mitigation and adaptation, climate investment and financing, and Nature-based Solutions.
In this report, for each of these areas, we aim to provide a systematic presentation of what resilient cities are and showcase best practices worldwide. By applying the ‘Disaster Resilience Scorecard’ tool, we collaborated with cities to understand and reflect on their existing resilient cities practices and navigate the next steps. The China Resilient Cities Report (2024) is a China-specific contribution of ICLEI to Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030).
MCR2030 supports cities in assessing their current level of resilience, setting targets for improvement, and implementing strategies to enhance their resilience through various actions such as disaster risk reduction, adaptation, and capacity building.
If you are interested in learning more and exchanging about this publication, please contact ICLEI East Asia Media and the lead author Kelly Dai (