Leveraging Science, Technology and Innovation for Low Carbon and Resilient Cities
Developing low-carbon and resilient cities serves as an important pathway for realizing national and local mitigation targets while assuring long-term economic growth and improving the quality of life. These commitments are critical to addressing the threat of climate change and promoting sustainable development. To achieve carbon neutrality and build resilient cities, business as usual will not work and innovative solutions are required to bring necessary changes in an efficient, cost-effective, and timely manner.
This report analyzes the experiences of cities in and beyond North-East Asia in designing low carbon and resilient urban plans through STI in selected sectors, thereby supporting countries to utilize STI for the development of inclusive, sustainable, and resilient societies.
This compendium report was prepared as part of the project “Leveraging Science, Technology and Innovation for Low Carbon and Resilient Cities” by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) East and North-East Asia (ENEA) Office in collaboration with the ICLEI East Asia Secretariat and the innovative Green Development Program (iGDP).
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